Supporting the ALaN Network

Are you an ideas person? Do you always have the latest goss that others need to know? If the “goss” includes information about the adult literacy and numeracy field, you might be just the person we are looking for as a ALaN Network facilitator.

Proposals are sought now to provide ongoing support during the 2012 calendar year for the Adult Literacy and Numeracy (ALaN) Network in Western Australia. You could be  paid to keep up to date and share what you find with others.

A number of roles are required, each advertised separately with unique responsibilities and selection criteria. provision of advice about resources, curricula, teaching strategies and professional development as relevant to members of the Network.

The application forms are on the CGEA Network  Google Documents (members only) or  contact Cheryl Wiltshire on cheryl.wiltshire@  (remove space in address)

Numeracy professional development resource

Do you know the sorts of numeracy and Mathematics needed by your students in the workplace?  A new resource designed by Manufacturing Learning Victoria offers you a way to check your knowledge.

The publication is a free download: Numeracy. A professional development resource for WELL practitioners 

It is a professional development resource designed for Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) practitioners. You can also use it to  support the development and recognition of numeracy training and skills and knowledge consistent with the requirements of the Vocational Graduate Certificate in Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice.

2012 ACAL conference in Hobart


This year’s Australian Council of Adult Literacy (ACAL) conference is in Hobart on 19-21 september 2012.

This year’s theme is Joining the Pieces: Literacy and Numeracy- one part of the picture

Subscribe to receive the latest conference information  eg call for papers, keynote speakers, venue details, travel options and more.

It is time to be thinking about what we want to highlight about adult literacy and numeracy from a WA perspective so we are ready to respond when the call for papers opens.

Funding will be available to support travel and accommodation under the Adult Literacy and Numeracy Sponsorship program. Funding for the national conferences is competitive so not everyone can be supported.However, if you are presenting a session you are more likely to receive a sponsorship.